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Doing More, Together
The value of a soul is priceless. But, we know that for every dollar invested by donors in Reaching Souls National Missionaries, more people come to Christ. Together we can reach even more.

Audited Financials

We believe in complete transparency. Every year, Reaching Souls is audited by an independent accounting firm. The results of this audit are published and available in hard copy upon request.

In addition, Reaching Souls International is overseen by an independent Board of Directors who regularly evaluate our income, expenditures, and results.

*The Lord provided ahead so that, even in uncertain seasons, Reaching Souls is able to continue supporting all our National Missionaries without interruption.


$ 5,156,703


JUL, 1 2022 – JUN 30, 2023

         Foundations 45.1%
         Individuals 40%
         Business 11.4%
         Ministries & Churches 3.5%

$ 7,094,905


JUL, 1 2022 – JUN 30, 2023

         Missions 82%
         Development 10%
         Administration 8%