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Stay connected with our National Missionaries by reading personal testimonies and stories of how God is working through Reaching Souls. Each one shows a glimpse into the daily life of a National Missionary.
When we were preaching the Gospel in the village on February 14th, I and my two Timothies reached a certain man’s house, a witch doctor. He was together with his disciple called Benny and other people. Benny was at the house of his master the witch doctor. He was doing his daily activities there….
I went to do an open-air meeting at a village nearby. I met James who was the leader of the traditionalists, the Big Dance or Tradition Beliefs. These people practice a certain belief in the spirits of the dead people or their ancestors. This man knew that I am a National Missionary, and on that …
Roberto tells us with great joy that he went to preach the Word of God. At a town in need of the love of Christ, where 64 souls received the Lord in their hearts. A family, where the grandmother was educating and taking care of her two grandchildren, what a love of that person, received us with g…