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A group gathered in Mexico

Hello, Mexico!

Psalm 90:10 declares, “As for the days of our lives, they contain seventy years,” so thirty-five years is a relatively short time, only half a lifetime. But, thirty-five years in the hands of the Lord can impact many lifetimes.

Reaching Souls began supporting National Missionaries in 1996 by selecting 50 National Missionaries, ten each in five different African nations: Kenya, Malawi, Uganda, Zambia, and Tanzania. These five countries had a combined population of more than 96 million at the time. But just like thirty-five years doesn’t seem long compared to all time, in the Lord’s hands, Reaching Souls’ National Missionaries have seen 93,625,807 lives transformed by the Gospel. Wow! That is something to celebrate.

As we have been looking to the horizon, our gaze rested on a border closer to home, only a four-hour plane ride from OKC to the tenth most populated nation in the world, Mexico.

Mexico boasts a population just shy of 130 million, and her largest city, Mexico City, has 21.6 million people, making it the fifth-largest city in the world. We have prayed, interviewed, and selected. And, in August, we oriented and commissioned our first ten National Missionaries in Mexico, specifically Mexico City. That’s ten missionaries in a city of more than 21 million people. Is that overwhelming odds or an All-Powerful God? We believe that God can do the miraculous. He can make a way even when the odds are stacked against us. Jesus took a handful of “uneducated and untrained men” and turned the world upside down or, better yet, right-side up. What can ten do in the face of 130,000,000? Wait and see, wait and see! 

D.L. Moody declared, “The world has yet to see what God can do with a man fully consecrated to him. By God’s help, I aim to be that man.” Allow me to tell you about one such man. When we interviewed candidates in June, Raymundo had to be led into the room and shown to his chair, but for a man who has no physical sight, it became evident that he sees more than I ever will.

Raymundo spends almost every day at the bus station, on the bus, in the park, at the market, or in the square, sharing about the One who came “to proclaim release to the captives, and recovery of sight to the blind.” Raymundo lives to proclaim the Good News of the Gospel. What can God do through Raymundo? Wait and see, wait and see!

Pray for Raymundo and for the other missionaries who are laboring in the harvest now, and pray that God will raise even more laborers to go into the fields of Mexico in the days ahead.

Odus L. Compton, Chief Operating Officer