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Matching Fund Announced

Reaching Souls has been offered a $500,000 matching fund, a unique opportunity to double the impact of your giving and reach twice as many people with the life-changing Gospel of Jesus Christ. Every dollar received will be doubled from now until the match is met. 

As part of our challenge to grow and reach new supporters, $250,000 of the match must come from new givers, which includes those who have not given a gift to the ministry within the last 24 months. The additional $250,000 must come from our current givers, or those who have given within the last 24 months. This makes the matching fund an easy way for anyone to take part in this special opportunity.

We are thankful that our matching fund partner is thinking strategically. Our partner wants others to invest where they are investing, and to see effective ministries grow. They desire to see more National Missionaries in the field, more believers being discipled, more people joining in on the blessing of partnership, and more souls coming to Christ.

Working together is how Reaching Souls sees millions of souls redeemed every year, and it’s all for the glory of God in Christ Jesus. We pray that countless people are encouraged and challenged by your giving. May they see your faithfulness and find excitement to come alongside Reaching Souls.

To take advantage of this unique opportunity, click here.