Response to COVID-19
Reaching Souls International supporters and friends,
I pray this finds you strong and healthy.
As the COVID-19 pandemic is creating unforeseen challenges for all of us, I wanted to give you a brief Reaching Souls update.
The depth of this trial is fluid and continues to change every day. The uncertainty reminds us of our daily dependence upon the Lord. Certainly, our God is our Source, Provider, and Security.
US Staff
We have had some of our US Team return from overseas earlier than expected. Some African countries are beginning to restrict access to US citizens, but our National Missionaries are in place, continuing to reach their people for Christ.
We have taken steps to ensure the safety of our team. Many of them are working from home through the end of this month. We will assess this as we move forward.
Our Mission
COVID-19 has not lessened our mission. Please know that the Coronavirus isn’t the only thing spreading around the globe. The Gospel continues to advance in Africa, Asia, and Latin America.
All around the world, people are concerned about the health of family and self. But, for our National Missionaries, scarcity and a reliance on the Lord for their daily bread is their lifestyle. They do so much with so little.
For 34 years we have watched foreign borders close to US citizens for one reason or another. We praise God for the Nationals Reaching Nationals strategy He gave us and that these men go forward without cultural, language, or immigration barriers.
As the National Missionaries are out doing the work of the evangelist every month, they need to be supported every month to do so. As you are able, please continue to support Reaching Souls so that the Gospel can advance uninterrupted.
We are praying for you. We know many of you are facing complicated and burdensome questions about how to protect your families, your businesses, and your livelihoods. Thank you for praying for the National Missionaries and us.
Like you, we are monitoring COVID-19 developments daily; we will keep you informed in the days and weeks ahead. Please let us know if you need anything from us.
As you navigate these choppy waters, please remember the National Missionaries in your prayers and with your support.
Reaching Souls International is God’s Ministry, and we are God’s children. He will see us through this…
For the sake of Souls,

Dustin K. Manis
President & CEO