The Gift of the Gospel

“But the free gift is not like the offense. For if by the one man’s offense many died, much more the grace of God and the gift by the grace of the one Man, Jesus Christ, abounded to many.” – Romans 5:15
Snow, Christmas trees, holiday music, family and friends, food, food, and more food…it truly is one of the most wonderful times of the year. The holiday season brings joy in so many ways, and one of these joyful traditions is giving and receiving gifts.
You can probably recall the anticipation you had as a young child, eagerly awaiting Christmas morning to arrive so you could tear into your gifts. As a young boy in the late ‘80s, I vividly remember the Cliffhanger slot car track being a hot ticket every boy wanted that year. Thankfully my dad, a.k.a. Santa, labored all through the night to put the track together and had it race-ready when I woke up bright and early that next morning. My brother and I experienced such great joy at that moment and were so grateful.
Sadly, with temporary gifts like that, the joy fades over time. Soon that track was just another toy piled in my closet. It was an earthly treasure that would not last. However, as a believer in Jesus Christ, we have an eternal joy that can never be taken away and citizenship in heaven to look forward to. Jesus truly is the greatest and most wonderful gift!
Peter tells us in his first letter, “The grass withers, and the flower fades, but the word of the Lord remains forever. And this is the good news that was preached to you.”
One thing we know will stand the test of time is the Word of the Lord. It will remain. This is the Good News of the Gospel that Jesus Christ is the perfect atonement for your sin and for mine. He was dead, buried, and rose again on the third day. He has victory over sin and death and we share in His inheritance. Hallelujah!
The greatest gift we can ever receive is the gift of salvation and a relationship with our Creator through Jesus our Lord, and the greatest gift you could ever give is to tell someone about Jesus.
Did you know that you can give the gift of the Gospel this Christmas season? You can. You can share the Good News with those around you. You can also give to Reaching Souls International so that more men will be equipped to take the greatest gift to their communities all around this globe.
God says to store up your treasures in heaven. Yes, enjoy your family and friends. Enjoy the food, the camaraderie, the festivities, and the gift exchanges. But let us not grow weary in telling others about Jesus. There are still those who do not know, those who have not heard.
Would you prayerfully consider a year-end gift to Reaching Souls so that the Gospel can advance further and faster? If you do, you can help bring an everlasting joy that cannot be stolen. You can be a part of changing a person’s eternal destiny. Nothing could be more pressing or more exciting.
This Christmas, let’s give the greatest gift… let’s give the gift of the Gospel.