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The Million Dollar Match

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Reaching Souls International is excited to announce that we have been offered a $1 million matching fund challenge! From now until December 31, 2021, you can double the impact of your giving through one of a few opportunities.

As part of the challenge, there are three categories that donors can qualify for.

First, for any new partner who gives their initial gift after June 10, 2021, there is $250,000 available to be matched. This category also includes any gift increase from existing partners, which means any amount you give that is more than your regular giving.

Second, there is $250,000 available for any partner who began giving within the past three years.

Lastly, $500,000 is available for donors who began their partnership with Reaching Souls more than three years ago.

No matter where you fall, there is an opportunity for you to see your impact go twice as far. We hope you will join us as we continue to expand into new countries and reach even more people with the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

For more information, please call our office at 405.917.7000.