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291 Saved

6 Days, 6 Churches, and 291 Salvations

Sharing the Gospel in a neighboring province and also in the nearby mountain region was wonderful. We left under heavy rain toward the province, praying to the Lord to allow us to communicate the message of salvation in the different areas. 

When we arrived at the place, everything was clear. We could see a beautiful sky, and we had confirmation that our God would support us. We decided to go out into the streets, sharing the Gospel for six days in six different churches. Two hundred and ninety-one people received Christ as Lord and Savior. Marriages were reconciled, and rural people offered us their homes, giving us food and much love. 

We also had the privilege of climbing the hills of a town high above sea level. There, we were able to communicate the message to very simple people with a deep heart for God. We felt afraid because the hills were very steep, but we trusted in our God. We bathed in a very clean and crystalline river, ate country style, rested the night, and the next day, we went out again along the trails and paths, communicating the Good News. 

We returned home with joy and told our families about all the experiences the Lord gave us and the blessings we had to share with sister churches. 

To God be the glory!

Juan Cuba