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We are all CALLED to share the Gospel

At Reaching Souls, our mission is simple. We want to reach the most people for Christ, as quickly as possible. We do that by partnering with local evangelists, called National Missionaries.

Surrender By Faith
Doing More, Together

The value of a soul is priceless. But, we know that for every dollar invested by donors in Reaching Souls National Missionaries, more people come to Christ. Together we can reach even more.

Million People

How We Do It

Since 1986, we’ve seen more than 100 million salvation decisions reported by National Missionaries. These evangelists are equipped through financial support, leadership training, resources, and accountability.


An Eternal Impact

By providing financial support, training, and resources, we empower National Missionaries to reach their home communities with the Gospel. There are no language or cultural barriers, which allows for discipleship to occur naturally. This is Nationals Reaching Nationals™.

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Pray for Gospel Efforts

You can join us by praying for our National Missionaries and for those who will hear the Gospel through their work.

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Hope from the Field

Stay connected with our National Missionaries by reading personal testimonies and stories of how God is working through Reaching Souls.

Who We Are

Reaching Souls believes in strategic evangelism and that we are all called to share the Gospel. Check out our video to see how God is using partners like you to reach His people with the Gospel every day.

Salvation Decisions

Give today and become a partner in the ministry of Reaching Souls International. See the Gospel shared with millions of people around the world each year.

The most amount of people in the least amount of time.

It’s a simple, but clear, purpose. We partner with donors to support National Missionaries who share the Gospel with as many people as possible, every day.

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Old Man Smiling