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A Man Restored

Dear brothers, I want to share with you a shocking testimony of transformation that reflects the redemptive power of God’s love. It is about the life of Amado, a man who once lived in darkness and perdition but experienced divine grace that rescued him from the darkness.

Amado used to have a seemingly normal life, shared with his wife and son, and had known the Lord in the past. However, unfortunately, he allowed himself to be influenced by so-called friends who distanced him from his faith, leading him down a path of deviation and loss. This situation led to the ruin of his marriage and plunged him into despair, leading him to live on the streets, homeless, without personal hygiene, and with tattered clothes, facing the harshness of life on the margins.

But although the circumstances seemed adverse, the seed of the Gospel sown in his heart was not dead. In the midst of his heartbreaking situation, Amado felt a calling inside him that led him to seek help in the church. At that crucial moment, I had the opportunity to meet him, share the message of salvation with him, and accompany him in the process of his redemption to bring him back to the feet of Christ.

As Scripture reminds us in James 5:20, “Whoever turns a sinner from the error of his way will save a soul from death and cover a multitude of sins.” In this testimony, we clearly see the restorative power of God’s work in Amado’s life. His story is a moving reminder that the mercy and love of Christ can reach those who are lost and helpless, restoring their lives and renewing their hope.

Carlos Cuba