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A Miracle on a Farm

I am very grateful to God for giving me the opportunity to evangelize souls who need to hear the Word of Life from our Lord Jesus Christ. Every time I share Biblical texts from the Word of God and tell others about Jesus, I feel honor and joy to see how the Word does not return empty. 

I arrived in town by public transport, and from there, I took a rural road on foot for two hours to the nearby village. Along the way, I evangelized the people who were on their farms, and many people prayed the prayer of faith and accepted Jesus as their Savior. 

But there was a miracle of life. I met a woman on one of those farms who had been abandoned by her husband, leaving her and her 3 little girls. She told me how she had tried several times to take her life with her girls. She told me that she wanted to jump into the river with them to drown together. But that morning, when the Word of God was shared with her, she began to cry and accepted Jesus as her Savior. With the other brothers that I went with, we collected a financial offering for her to buy food, and we invited her to congregate at the church in the area. I feel very happy to see miracles like these that revive our faith and make us see that there is a great need for Jesus in the world. 

Julio Colombia