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Blessings the Children at Christmas

Blessing The Children in SE Asia

I want to express my gratitude to God for the period of November 22-26, 2023. During this time, 11 brothers and I, representing two drug rescue centers, embarked on a mission trip to two locations. Our mission focused on reaching out to the local ethnic groups. The primary objective of our trip was to engage in detoxification work for addicts at the drinking spots in the district, where individuals supported by the state undergo detox. Additionally, we sought to establish connections with local churches in the areas. We visited families facing difficult circumstances, providing them with gifts.

Alongside these efforts, we distributed 370 gifts to children aged 6-12. Our aim was to support local churches in offering Christmas gifts to children in December and to engage in evangelizing activities for the children. The outcomes of our trip include:
• Engaging with 110 individuals to testify about God
• Witnessing 4 individuals who embraced faith in Jesus
• Providing gifts to and praying for blessings upon 10 impoverished families

As we move forward, I kindly request your prayers for the upcoming months. My team and I plan to organize nine preaching sessions in various locations across the northern region. Your prayers for the success and impact of these sessions are greatly appreciated.

Kai Southeast Asia