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Evangecubes Help Reach Souls

Greetings in the name of the Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. This is to testify that the evangelism tools given by Reaching Souls International has been of great help while reaching out with the Gospel of Jesus Christ. 

On May 24th, 2024, while reaching out with the Gospel of one-on-one evangelism, I met some young men seated and just having some free time together. After asking for permission to share, I used the Evangecube, going through the Bible from Genesis 3, Romans 3:23, Romans 6:23, John 3:16 and the like. They all paid careful attention. 

When now I asked for anyone who was willing to give their life to Jesus, four souls came to the Lord, and two gentlemen said they were Muslims. But from observation, that tool was the one that made them give attention. 

They promised to think about it and will attend the local church. I give God the Glory because it’s usually not easy to share the Gospel with a Muslim without argument and interruption. 

To God be the glory and bless the Reaching Souls at large. 

Marcel Kenya