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Basketball camp for kids

Evangelism at Basketball Camp

We recently had the opportunity to participate in sports evangelistic activities in our community. Through a basketball workshop, we brought together 20 local boys and girls on the sports fields at four in the afternoon.

Before starting, we begin with a prayer in which we ask for God’s guidance for the event. Then, one of the local instructors shared a Christian and biblical lesson with the minors, sowing valuable principles in their hearts for their comprehensive formation. During this time of reflection, the children were invited to accept Jesus into their hearts. It was moving to see how some of them, our own neighbors, decided to follow in the footsteps of Christ.

Once this spiritual part was finished, we started the basketball workshop. Our little participants, full of enthusiasm, learned basic techniques of this sport, working as a team and promoting values such as discipline, respect and perseverance. As the day progressed, the excitement was palpable on the children’s faces. Not only did they enjoy healthy physical activity, but they also received valuable teachings for their personal and spiritual growth.

It was a rewarding experience to bring a message of hope through sports in our community and sow seeds of faith in the hearts of these children, our neighbors, and friends. We hope that this local initiative is the beginning of a lasting positive impact in our community.

Martin Mexico