Resistant People, Softened Hearts
On this trip, we visited a village far from ours. Our team was blessed with the support and contributions of many brothers and sisters, making this trip possible. We were able to purchase nearly 200 warm blankets to give to the people of this village, which is home to an ethnic group known for being spiritually resistant.
However, we thank God because the Holy Spirit worked in their hearts, softening them. Although we were unable to organize a formal evangelistic event, we divided into small groups. One group of three members distributed mosquito nets while the rest of us shared the Gospel one-on-one with individuals in the village.
Praise the Lord! Our first mission of the year was a great victory. That day, we shared the Gospel and prayed with over 50 people who accepted Christ.
We earnestly pray that God will continue to open doors, allowing us to return and share His Word even more with this village. Amen!