Salvation in God’s Timing
My testimony is about a Muslim by the name Joseph also known as Ibrahim, his Islamic name. This new name was given by his Ustadh (Islamic religious teacher) in the Islamic faith. I preached the Gospel of Jesus Christ to him years before, and I was praying for him day after day that he may know the truth of God and be saved one day.
It wasn’t until this year, 2024, that I was on my way to preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ. We were passing near his house, and he called me. I was with my Timothies. After greetings and talking, he told us that he was ready to surrender his life to Jesus.
With the help of my flip chart, it was easier to explain that God has provided only one way, and each person must make a choice. Jesus Christ is the center, the only way to reach God. We prayed for him for salvation, and he was saved, for he accepted Jesus as his personal Savior.
It was early September 5th, 2024, when he confessed to the Lord by his mouth and accepted Him in his heart. He is now a new believer. He insisted we continue praying for him because his heart desire is to join the Bible school.