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Southeast Asian Woman

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Salvations Being Seen in Southeast Asia

My name is Mei and I live in Southeast Asia. On April 9, 2023, my husband and I went on a mission trip to a nearby region and shared the Gospel with three people. Thank God, we were able to listen to their family circumstances and during that time, God moved me and I testified about Jesus Christ. As a result, all three of them happily received Jesus.

On April 11, 2023, my younger brother, Jun, and I went to share the Gospel with the family of Cheng and her two sons. All three of them accepted Jesus as their Lord and Savior.

From April 14-16, 2023, our group of three went on a mission trip, where we took care of and encouraged several families who had previously testified about their faith in God. We also had the opportunity to share the Gospel with four people from hard-to-reach ethnic group.

On April 20, 2023, I shared the Gospel with three friends. All three of them received Jesus and made Him the Lord of their lives. Our group also had the opportunity to distribute gospel tracts to passengers on various buses. Thank God for all of these opportunities. Each person we encountered had a different life story and approach, but when we shared the Gospel, it touched their hearts.

May God continue to have mercy on the people of Southeast Asia, and may He continue to send workers to share the Gospel with their own people. Thank you for the collaboration of my fellow Reaching Souls members. May God be pleased with all of you.

Mei Southeast Asia