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Sharing the Gospel Through Adversity

We thank God for this precious opportunity to preach His Word in the month of November. We had great experiences and enormous blessings. 

I begin by sharing my experience one morning. I was preaching the Word of God in some public parks in the city and distributing brochures. I also prayed the prayer of faith with many people who heard and received the Word. I finished the work of evangelism with great joy, seeing people approaching Jesus through the message of the Gospel. 

When I finished evangelizing, I walked from the center of the city to my house, and when I was crossing a highway, I was hit by a motorcycle that was coming at very high speed. I was unconscious for a few minutes, and while those minutes passed, the neighbors in the area who saw the accident thought that the motorcycle had taken my life or that my spine had broken, given the intensity of the blow I received. 

But a miracle happened!!!! Despite the strong blow and the wounds on my body, I regained consciousness a few minutes later. The ambulance arrived. They put me on a stretcher and took me to the city hospital. 

I was admitted to the hospital emergency room. I want to share with you that we have been asking the directors of the hospital for more than five years to let us enter the emergency room to preach, but all the answers we have received have been negative. 

However, as a patient, I entered the hospital emergency room on that day. While I was in that place, and in that condition, feeling very bad, with a lot of pain in all the injuries I suffered, with scrapes on my body from the hit and run I had just suffered, I got up from that stretcher on which they had me lying. I began telling more than 35 people who were present that “Christ had just freed me from death and that despite the fact that a motorcycle at full speed hit me on the side and propelled me far across the pavement, not a single bone of my bones was broken. The glory and honor are for God who saved me from being prostrate or immobile for life and freed me from dying at that moment.” 

My body, due to the impact, was propelled to the edge of a canal that is on the side of that highway, and the canal is approximately 10 meters deep. Meaning that if I had fallen with the force of the impact plus the 10-meter fall, it would have been tragic for me. The people in the hospital emergency room were initially amazed and surprised to see how I was able to get up from that stretcher and began to speak to them with the strength that only God gave me at that moment. They all listened very attentively to the Word. There was also an extra touch of credibility since I was speaking to them with open wounds on my arm and face, and they saw me get up from the stretcher. So the message reached the hearts of many souls and also the testimony that only God is capable of doing that kind of miracle of divine protection for us. 

After finishing the message, many people repeated the prayer of faith, and many souls believed and were saved. I am very grateful to God because, in the midst of this adversity and the pain that I have felt throughout my body, I can say that I shared the message of the Gospel in a place that was forbidden by man, but God was pleased to put me in that place in the midst of this difficult situation. Glory and miracle at the same time because God turns difficulty into an opportunity to manifest His glory. 

We are also grateful to you who support us and give us the opportunity to express our testimonies of life and the miracles that God does with us every day. 

Glory and honor only for God, the giver of life and provider of all that we lack. 

We are very grateful to all of you and, may God bless you. 

Miguel Colombia