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Hometown Cuba

The Bread of Life Shared in a Bakery

This past month, many planned evangelistic outings were carried out. The glorious Gospel of Jesus Christ was preached in season and out of season. Evangelism, as a way of life on the Island of Cuba, has given constant victory to the kingdom of God. The joy of being a citizen of heaven is heard. 

One of the trips that impacted me the most was to my homeland. We traveled 24 km to get to the center of this town. In the park, we did the devotional, sang, praised God with our souls, prayed, and left towards the four cardinal points: East, West, South, and North. More than 110 souls that morning received the Lord with joy. My soul greatly enjoyed this trip, seeing classmates and sports players. I brought them the message of Christ. Some came feeling downhearted, and others were sick. 

Upon receiving Jesus, they told me that we are renewed. Certainly, an encounter with Christ changes lives. We preached loudly in the village bakery, declaring at the top of our voices, “Christ is the bread of eternal life.” Many received the Lord. 

That morning, with an invalid and friends at his side, we brought them hope and eternal life in Christ, all with great joy embraced Jesus. We prayed for them. We guided them spiritually. It was a glorious morning and of honor to our God. How beautiful and great it is to have God and serve Him! Also, to see how souls are thirsty, and when they come to Christ, they quench their thirst. It is very beautiful and lovely to see this. Glory to the Lord Jesus Christ! Cuba for Christ, now. 

Luis Cuba