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Embracing Jesus as Their Savior

In January 2024, I felt compelled to share the Gospel of God with individuals facing hardships, particularly families residing in the border areas. As the traditional people approached, it became apparent that the needs of these vulnerable populations required special attention. Hence, along with 8 colleagues, I appealed to the church for support. Together, we gathered 1,500 sets of gently used clothing and raised money to purchase gifts for 134 struggling families.

We divided ourselves into two teams. One, comprising five members, journeyed to the border areas to distribute clothing and assist 84 impoverished households across three districts. Meanwhile, the second group distributed 50 gifts to households in the city and neighboring families facing difficulties. Witnessing the joy and gratitude of these families warmed our hearts immensely.

Moreover, approximately 120 individuals were introduced to the Gospel during our mission, with 19 of them embracing Jesus as their Savior. Please keep us in your prayers, as we hope these new believers will receive ongoing support and grow as disciples of the Lord.

Kim SE Asia