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A Broken Bike Results in Many Coming to Christ

I was on my way to preach to a village. The day was very bright, and we cycled our bikes with one of my Timothys. After covering a distance of 3 miles, my bike broke down, and I was unable to ride it, so we had to walk and carry it. 

We walked 1.5 kilometers on foot. We reached a trading centre, where we met the bike mechanic named Josam. I told him the fault of our bike, and he had his friends who he was chatting with that day. We saw that though we were on our way to the nearby village, we could share the Gospel with him and others who were with him that day. 

We shared the Word of how Matthew followed Jesus from his table of tax collectors and started the work of bringing many to God’s Kingdom. I was so touched when I saw how those who were with Josam paid more attention to our sharing the Gospel. And in addition to this, some people who saw us started coming close to where we were sharing. I gave them some verses as reference for them to read after our departure. These are the verses: John 3:16, 1:12, Romans 5:8, 3:23, 6:23, 10:9-10, and Revelation 3:20. It was an amazing day for 24 people surrendered their lives to Christ. 

When our bike was fixed, we had a very good farewell and we told them where we were going. One of those who accepted Christ there warned us that in the village where we wanted to hold an open-air meeting, the member of parliament of that area had a meeting in that same village. We thought not to proceed with our journey, and instead, we went around the villages around that trading centre, where 144 in total came to know Christ as Lord and Savior of their lives. 

We thank God that our bike broke down, allowing many to receive the wonderful Grace of God. Our way back home was filled with joy and more happiness in Jesus’ name, and many souls have been saved. Pray for this village, for we plan to continue going there until, if possible, we can start a church there, God willing. 

Bruno Malawi