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A Sargent Saved

The Gospel Transforms a Community

One of the oldest farm settlements in the area is next to the paramilitary camp and 800 meters away from the police station. From time to time, we go into this area to visit people and do our outdoor crusades. One day, we had set up base at the farm to preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ. When we started singing and doing intercession, a group of women and children joined us. Before we knew it, the ground had a number of people who came to witness the goodness of the Lord Jesus. In this crusade, 21 people gave their lives to Christ.

Among the 21 was one police officer named Silungwe. Silungwe, a sergeant in the police service, jumped the wall fence of the paramilitary as he was running away from the unknown powers which attacked him while on a peacekeeping mission in DR Congo. As he was running away from the unknown demons, according to him, he heard my voice preaching. And he didn’t know how he found himself in our midst and gave his life to Jesus. Before this day, he had nightmares, and complications recalling from key government missions which could have elevated him.

The man joined our program in the middle of the preaching, and it’s from there that he gave his life to Jesus. His fears were gone. His family of six gave their lives to Jesus, a few weeks later. We had the sargent in the church free from the bondage of sin and fear. It’s from his giving his life to Jesus we have witnessed a number of police officers and women coming to church and a revival in the 2 police camps is slowly growing.

Joseph Zambia