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A Spiritual Reunion

 Dear brothers, in this testimony, I want to share with you the beautiful story of Román, the husband of our beloved sister Teresa. Teresa, who is currently receiving baptism classes, had a fervent desire for her husband to know Jesus as Lord and Savior of his life. After an emotional Sunday service, we headed to visit Román, and in that meeting, he decided to give his life to Jesus Christ. 

Román and his wife have been participating in baptism classes for the last three weeks. However, what makes this testimony even more impactful is a surprising detail I want to highlight. As I shared Jesus’ message with Román, he revealed something amazing to me. He remembered having heard me preach the Gospel in the past in a nearby community between the mountains and the city. 

Román recognized my previous work in preaching the Gospel and expressed his joy and gratitude for having the opportunity to accept Jesus as his Lord and Savior at this stage of his life. This spiritual reunion, where a heart touched by the Word of God for years finally surrenders to His love, is a living testimony of our Lord’s faithfulness and transforming power. 

Roger Cuba