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Peavey Speaker

Reaching Souls Resources

I am very thankful for the help I am getting from the Reaching Souls International organization in the form of equipment, bicycles, sound systems, microphones, solar panels, flip charts, etc., which are making my work of evangelism very easy for me to bring the lost souls to Christ for salvation. 

My two Timothies and I went for door-to-door evangelism in the village. We set off on our Reaching Souls International ministry bicycles, carrying our sound systems, at half past six in the morning and arrived twenty minutes to eight in the morning since we were seven kilometers away from our residential areas. The previous week, we had asked the responsible authorities for permission to carry out our evangelism program and had agreed. 

We went to an open ground where children used to play football and then connected our sound systems to invite people to hear the Word of God. When people heard the noise of the sound systems, they started trickling in small numbers, but after about an hour, a great number had gathered to see and hear why we were there. I started sharing with them the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ who died for our sins so that whoever shall believe in Him shall not perish but will inherit endless life. The Spirit of God performed wonders because forty-six people surrendered their lives to Christ. They repented their sins and received Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. 

I then took all the new believers in Christ to the nearest church led by Pastor Paul. When we made a follow up, this pastor confirmed that all these new believers were baptized as a sign of their repentance and were also receiving Bible teachings soon after every Sunday service for them to spiritually grow. We praised the Lord for that. 

Praise be to the Most High for bringing the lost sheep to Him for salvation. 

Carlos Mozambique